"Life emerges out of the asphalt's crack" - Jean Claude
He told me as he was explaining to me that it was in the accident that life happened - in the bus you missed and the conversation that followed with a stranger - in the plans that failed and the new ones that emerged. His trip started with this realisation and with the will to look for the cracks in life - because as we are all preoccupied with flattening our lives like roads with a thick and safe layer of concrete - we forget that nonetheless is in between the cracks that flowers and thus life emerges. Thank you Jean Claude for the many lucid talks.
He told me as he was explaining to me that it was in the accident that life happened - in the bus you missed and the conversation that followed with a stranger - in the plans that failed and the new ones that emerged. His trip started with this realisation and with the will to look for the cracks in life - because as we are all preoccupied with flattening our lives like roads with a thick and safe layer of concrete - we forget that nonetheless is in between the cracks that flowers and thus life emerges. Thank you Jean Claude for the many lucid talks.