Travel tattoos: Why we get them and what they mean.
by Lauren Klarfeld
oct. 2015
"People who believe they’ll be happy if they go and live somewhere else, learn it doesn’t work that way. Wherever you go, you take yourself with you". Neil Gaiman
Published oct. 2015 : Thought Catalog
From the minute that we are born – to the day that our bodies age and pass away – our bodies will follow us through. Some will grow tall while others will remain short. Some will have freckles or birth marks, dark hair or blond hair, a crooked nose or beautiful dark eyes, slim features or strong features…The list of our physical features is endless. And yet we will never choose the bodies we grow into or the bodies we receive…
oct. 2015
"People who believe they’ll be happy if they go and live somewhere else, learn it doesn’t work that way. Wherever you go, you take yourself with you". Neil Gaiman
Published oct. 2015 : Thought Catalog
From the minute that we are born – to the day that our bodies age and pass away – our bodies will follow us through. Some will grow tall while others will remain short. Some will have freckles or birth marks, dark hair or blond hair, a crooked nose or beautiful dark eyes, slim features or strong features…The list of our physical features is endless. And yet we will never choose the bodies we grow into or the bodies we receive…