How often have you met people like this ? With whom you would think easily that they are just about living life like a party - with long nights but elusive days. Those people we call party go-ers or too independent. When really what lies underneath is a thick layer of personality but most of all sensitivity. After having spent 2 months as her roommate in a hostel, friend and contextual sister, it was clear to me that when you put aside origin for context and take the time to not judge but appreciate - there are many things in people that are burning within them but that we don´t always see. If Matilde (from Italy) was able to lead groups of 15 strangers at night through the streets of Madrid - it was because she was born a leader - one that burns from within rather than from without. And what people most likely followed was exactly that. A soul set on fire with wills and desires. And as we hugged and cried at her departure - despite knowing each other for only two months - you realise that goodbyes hurt because we had decided to live it all to the core. And that is why it mattered.